ICOMOS works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government organisation of this kind, which is dedicated to promoting the application of theory, methodology, and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. Its work is based on the principles enshrined in the 1964 International Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (the Venice Charter).
ICOMOS Bangladesh was re-established in 2014 to promote and enhance professionalism in the conservation, management, planning and development of cultural heritage in Bangladesh. It helps its members connect to a worldwide network of more than 10,000 professionals involved in heritage protection and provides opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange between the members. ICOMOS Bangladesh members automatically become members of ICOMOS International and are eligible to join any of its International Scientific Committees.

2015 February: Workshop

This workshop aims to provide its participants with a framework to carry out a professional assessment of heritage significance of cultural sites and to develop a Statement of Heritage Significance, a key component of a Conservation Plan and Management Plan for heritage sites.
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2015 May: Roundtable

The round table attempts to bring together a group stakeholders to make clear suggestions on how to best manage the essential physical fabric of historic areas of Dhaka while ensuring the social and economic viability as well as its long term sustainability. The objective of the discussion is to identify ways for integrated approach to preserving and revitalizing the historic areas for sustainable urban development and to outline a comprehensive approach for urban conservation.
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2016 May: BUET-ICOMOS Workshop on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage

Our upcoming training workshop on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage will take place from 9 to 13 May at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). It is a joint BUET-ICOMOS initiative in which ICOMOS Bangladesh is proud to have the Department of Architecture (BUET) as the partner. An international ICOMOS expert in this field, along with local experts, will lead the 4.5-day training workshop. To know more about ICOMOS' activities related to this important area of heritage management, please read on.
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